Thursday, June 18, 2009

Owner's Manual for Your Daughter

Do you have a daughter? Or better yet, do you have a teenage daughter or a daughter who will be a teen in a few years? Well, if that is the case, then you need to read the following owner's manual for teenage daughters. I received this and loved it so much I had to post it. 95% of these are SO true and I find I can relate to many of these with my pre-teen daughter. And even though this post refers to "daughters" many of these ideas can apply to boys too. So sit back, read and enjoy!

Teenager Owner's Manual
Congratulations! You are now the proud new owner of a teenage daughter.

Please read this manual carefully, as it describes the maintenance of your new daughter, and answers important questions about your warranty (which does NOT include the right to return the product to the factory for a full refund.)


To determine whether you were supposed to receive a teenage girl, please examine your new daughter carefully.

Does she:

(a) look very similar to your original daughter, only with more makeup and less clothing?
(b) refuse to acknowledge your existence on the planet Earth (except when requesting money)?
(c) Sleep in a burrow of dirty laundry?

If any of these are true, you have received the correct item. Nice try, though.


When you first receive your teenage daughter, you will initially experience a high level of discomfort. Gradually, this discomfort will subside, and you will merely feel traumatized.

This is the "Break-In Period," during which you are becoming accustomed to certain behaviors that will cause you concern, anxiety, and stress.

Once you have adapted to these behaviors your teenager will start acting even worse.


To activate your teenage daughter, simply place her in the vicinity of a telephone or Instant Messenger.

No further programming is required.


Several hours after activation, you may desire to shut down your teenage daughter.

There is no way to do this.


Having a teenage daughter means learning the difference between the words "clean" and "neat." Teenage daughters are very clean, because they take frequent showers that last more than an hour. They will scrub themselves with expensive, fragrant soaps which you must purchase for them because there is no way they are going to use the same kind of soap mom and dad use. When they have completely drained the hot water tank, they will step out and wrap themselves in every towel in the bathroom, which they will subsequently strew throughout the house.

If you ask them to pick up the towels, you are confusing "clean" with "neat." Teenagers are very busy and do not have time to be neat. They expect others to pick up after them. These others are called "parents."


Your teenage daughter requires regular meals, which must be purchased for her at restaurants because she detests everything you eat because it is like so disgusting.

She does not want you to accompany her to these restaurants, because some people might see you and like I'm sure I want my friends to see me eating dinner with my parents. Either order take-out food or just give her the money, preferably both.

If you order pizza, never answer the doorbell because the delivery boy might see you and oh my gosh he is so hot.

Yes, your daughter's idea of an attractive man is the pizza boy.


Retailers make millions of dollars a year selling stylish and frankly sensible clothing which will look adorable on your daughter.

If you enjoy shopping, you will love the vast selections which are available to you. Unfortunately, your teenage daughter wants to dress like a lap dancer.

You may be able to coerce her into putting on a cute outfit before leaving the house, but by the time she walks in the schoolhouse door, she will be wearing something entirely different.


Teenage daughters require one of two levels of maintenance: "High," and "Ultra High."

Your daughter is "Ultra High." This means that whatever you do won't be enough and whatever you try won't work.

This product is not without defect because she has your genes, for heaven's sake. If you think this is not fair, talk to your parents, who think it is hilarious.

Your teenage daughter will remain a teenager for as long as it takes for her to become a woman, which in her opinion has already happened and as far as you are concerned never really will.

If you are dissatisfied with your teenage daughter, well, what did you expect?

In any event, your warranty does not give you your little girl back under any circumstances, except that deep down she's actually still there - you just have to look for her.


Brandy said...

This is priceless!!!! Ultra-high maintenance! LOL Truly PRICELSESS!!!! =)

Cowboy said...

That is very funny, I am ready for a teenage boy because mine is 11. I am glad this is what I am going to go through in a few years. Oh lord help me......LOL