Wednesday, September 9 marked a big day in our household. The "baby" of the household has decided to grow up on me and enter the big world of... oh give me a minute... pp... pre.... presc... preschool! There I said it and be proud of me, I'm not even bawling my eyes out! Yes, my little one is not really a baby anymore. And I am growing to accept that, day by day...
We have been talking about preschool for months since she was registered back in the spring. She was SOO excited about going until about 2 weeks before. Then all of a sudden she informed me that she was not going to go to preschool. I said oh, by golly, yes you are my little darling! Even up til the night before, she was determined she did not have to go to preschool on her big day. So after a good night's sleep, we all rose up with the sun to get going for the day. All of a sudden she was excited and nervous all at the same time. Now of course the first day of school is always a big deal around our house ~ the first day of school pic, the first day of school jitters, etc. And since this was really the FIRST day of any kind of school for my little one, it was a really special day. So after rolling out of bed, we fought like cats and dogs over what she would wear picked out her clothes for the day. She wanted to wear her Harley Davidson shirt and I wanted her to wear a really pretty stylish fashionable shirt that I got her for Christmas last year. She started screaming that the shirt made her itch and it wasn't comfortable, and she wasn't wearing that to school. So after some compromise, she agreed to wear the shirt to school and could change when she got home. Nothing against Harleys, but I wasn't about to have the first day ever school pic contain the Harley Davidson symbol in the snapshot!
So after we decided on the clothes, next came the hair. She has a thing lately about wanting to leave her hair down. all. the. time. That's just not quite up my alley since the hair that she wants down. all. the. time. is in her face. all. the. time. Get my drift? Uh not happening in my house! No hair in the eyes, nope no thank you. Especially on the first day of preschool! So she finally let me braid the top part of it after explaining to her a million times that a headband would not do the trick that day after discussing different hairdos we could try. So all was well with the clothes and the hair, we were ready to get some breakfast. Then after all that was done, it was time for the big moment... First Day Pics! Oh what a joy! My girls just absolutely hate the fact their mom is a big camera freak love the fact I make them stand and smile each year for that photo. It's their favorite time of year, really!
So out to the front yard we went to get that pretty pic. It was a chilly morning and trying to explain to my 4 year old to smile while standing there in her shorts and short sleeve shirt was a bit challenging, but I did manage to get a few grins out of her! All went well with the pics and I was actually pleased at how some of them turned out. Then it was time to put sissy on the bus and leave for the big old preschool trip. And that's exactly what we did. Off to the car, a last minute run to Wally World for one thing we missed on the list, and wallah, we arrived at school early and ready to take on the preschool world.
We were greeted by a parking lot full of cars and a 10 mile long people line at the door waiting to get in. She jumped out of the car, backpack on her back, walking all high and mighty and proud and ready to get into that preschool. Then about 20 steps later, she stops and informs me her backpack is too heavy and she cannot carry it. So like the good mom that I am, I hiked it up on my shoulder and off again we rolled towards the line. Then we went through the line, got our pic taken again, and went in for an orientation meeting. Imagine a huge room full of people and half of that population consists of 3 & 4 year old children. Kinda hard to keep an attention span and the noise level down when that is the case. But we mustered through it and kept our ears wide open. Then it was downstairs to meet the classroom she would be spending the year in. All went fine and dandy and you know the biggest surprise of all? I didn't even cry! The baby of the family went to preschool, and I didn't even tear up?!?! All I can say I was told that morning not to cry by a couple friends and maybe it stuck with me LOL. I don't know, but I did better than I thought I would!
So far she is off to a great year and I am so proud of her. She marches right in like a trooper and is glad to see me or Granny when she gets picked up. She has this little star that whoever picks her up must have. I believe Granny's words the other day was she was going to forget the star and poor little one wouldn't be allowed to be picked up. Funny, funny, NOT! I know Granny wouldn't let that happen to cute little JB. However, it makes me wonder what things they are really teaching at preschool. Hence, the events of yesterday...
Little one woke up and the first thing out of her mouth was she was going to go to college when she grew up. Ok, that's great and I'm glad she is already thinking that at her age! Again, that was first thing in the morning. She must hear us talk about my brother going to college and that is sticking in her mind lately. Then as I am tucking her in bed last night, she asks me a question from out of the blue. It blew me out of the water tremendously. She looked at me in the most serious tone and asked me how babies were born. Then she asked if the tummy opened up and let the babies out. It took me a couple minutes to absorb the questions I was presented with. So I kind of agreed with it and then the next thing out of her mouth made me about pee my pants. She asked if I would hold her baby while she was in college. My only response was let's hope you don't have a baby by the time you're in college, but if you do, then yes, I will help you with it. So in less than a week of starting preschool, she is talking about college and having babies. Wow, I really have no words. Let's just hope her thoughts slow down as she ages. Seriously, what 4 year old thinks about college and having babies all in the same day?!?! Only my sweet little angel that says the most random things. My baby that is growing up before my eyes. The little gift from God that I was blessed with over 4 years ago...

Good luck to my little JB this year in preschool! I know you will do a great job. Mommy loves you baby girl!