Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Baby is Growing Up!

Today was a very exciting day. My "baby" turned 4 years old on this lovely day. So immediately after waking me up bright and early she began asking when her friends were coming to her house. So after deciding that she wasn't going to allow me to sleep in I should jump up and get the day rolling since it was such a special day, I did just that. A few minutes later she opened the front door and told me she was watching for her friends to arrive. I told her she still had a few hours before her party excitement would be in action, but she was convinced that her party guests were going to come right then, bright and early with the sun rising. So she propped herself down at the front door and sat at the entrance watching for her birthday guests! After refusing to listen to her sister and I sitting there for a few moments, she finally decided sitting and waiting was boring. She didn't even want to leave her permanent sitting place to eat breakfast because she was so convinced her party needed to start right then!

So after finally deciding to eat some breakfast, and passing the time til lunch came the famous question twenty four thousand times a few or more times "WHEN IS MY PARTY GOING TO START?" I tell ya if I had a penny for every time that child asked me that today, I wouldn't need to go to work this week! The first few times I answered her literally ~ 6 hours, 5 hours and 59 minutes, 5 hours and 43 minutes, 5 hours and 12 minutes, 4 hours and 23 minutes... I finally decided my little one didn't get the concept of hours and minutes! So I decided to try a different approach and told her the party would be here in awhile or in a bit! That kept her content for a minute or two... until she would ask me when the party would begin 2 minutes later!

So the time came to get dressed and ready for the big extravaganza. She is on a dress kick lately so she chose her new pretty party dress she got for her birthday. So after the excitement died down that it was warm enough to wear a dress for the big day, it was time to fix her hair. I decided we need to change it up just a bit and thought she would be adorable just like her mommy =-) in pigtails. So amazingly enough she cooperated for me to fix her hair. Then I decided I would make her cuter by adding some curls to the piggie tails. Well that was fine and dandy until her hair touched her neck after being released from the curling iron. Being the drama queen that she learned from her big sister that she can be at times, she started screaming "HOT, HOT, HOT!" Well that was enough to give big sis and I a laugh because she was not hurt in any way shape or form, just felt a tad bit of the heat once the hair was released from the curling iron. Then the little drama queen proceeded to grab a towel claiming she needed water on it. And Little Miss Stubborn and yes she gets it honest was not going to accept the fact she didn't need water to cool her "hot" hair down. But once reminded that her party was nearing, she forgot all about cooling down her "hot" hair with water and was once again in party mode!

Then came the big anticipated moment after months of waiting. Yes, we hear about her birthday party months in advance. In fact, later in the evening, she asked me when her next birthday party was going to be. I don't know why it is kiddos want to grow up so fast!

Granny arrived with her cake, and this wasn't just any cake... it was a Dora cake. And not just a Dora cake... a Dora cake with pink icing! Yippee yi yay, how exciting!!! She received lots of pretty new gifts, and even a couple new dresses to satisfy her dress habit for now. She went from the birthday party girl, to a cheerleader, then to a princess, then back to birthday party girl all within 15 minutes. Tons of excitement for the little birthday princess!

Anyway, her party was a huge success and she was so excited it almost brought tears to my eyes. I don't recall seeing her happier than she was on her 4th birthday. It just reminded me how fast she really is growing up and that my "baby" is really no longer a baby! *Pout, sniff, pout, cry* =-( But that is ok because she is more comical and loveable each day that passes.

So after a couple hours of birthday jubilee, the little princess decided she was extremely tired. She grabbed her new Dora sleepy doll and pillow and curled up with both of them to take a nap. It was peaceful and quiet once, for a bit anyways! Then after a bit of a nap, little birthday girl woke up but decided that her doll was not ready to get up yet. The Dora sleepy doll was still taking a nap all curled up snug and cute in the birthday girl's bed. But the best part of all the fact she went around to each and every person in the house and told them they had to be quiet or they would wake up the baby. So when Granny yelled to big sis that "everyone was to be quiet," the birthday girl scolded her grandma! "You are going to wake up the baby" she exclaimed. It was certainly a priceless moment!

I guess I have another year until birthday time rolls around again. The sad thing is it will be here before I know it. I guess the next big step will be preschool this fall. Then kindergarten. Then 1st grade. Then middle school. Then high school. Then college... Oh my I need to slow down and remember to enjoy my day to day as I have been living my life lately! So Happy Birthday to my little 4 year old Princess. Time sure flies... I remember the day I brought her home from the hospital. It's crazy how quickly the days roll by and before we know it, the days turn into years. So enjoy each day to the fullest and don't rush the future. It will come quickly enough, and too quickly at that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What would you do without me?

You forgot to mention Granny said "take a nap and when you wake up have your mom call me and I will come and get you."

I said this so me and my other granddaughter could sneak out. Lord, I can not even visit without they both thinking they can go with me!!

So, behold as soon as the birthday girl awoke, Granny's phone was ringing and as always she kept her word and picked up the birthday girl for a trip to the goat barn.

As I sarted this with, what would you do without me?