Thursday, October 23, 2008

Are You LuCkY?

There are some people out there who just have luck at winning things. That's right, luck. I used to win random things once in a while. I think the first thing I remember winning was a stuffed green M&M and a jar full of M&M's. Ok, so I didn't technically win it but in a way I did. So here's the story on my grand M&M win:

I was probably 8 or 9 years old and was visiting McDonald's one day. They had a jar of M&M's with a sign up you had to guess how many M&M's were in the jar. So being the greedy inquisitive little girl I was, I took a few of those guess slips. Not only did I fill out one for myself, but I put in my mom's name, my stepdad's name, my friends' names, and my uncle's name. So yes I cheated and filled out lots of random guesses for various people who didn't even technically enter themselves. So to my surprise one day, I come home and find the green stuffed M&M with the jar full of M&M's. HOW DID THAT GET THERE?!?! My uncle received a phone call from McDonald's that he was the lucky winner of the green M&M. Instead of declining his prize (totally confused not having a clue how he won), he went and picked it up and brought it home. Now of course, he won the M&M prize package but lucky ME got the treasure since it was my guess that won for him. I still have that green M&M somewhere.

I recently won something from my local country radio station. Actually I entered online and logged on one day to find out I was the chosen recipient. But what was it that I won? A lovely CD titled "Do You Know" by the pretty blonde Jessica Simpson. So I received this CD in the mail yesterday and plan to listen to it later today while in my ride. It seems as though she has some pretty good songs on her CD from reading through the lyrics of the songs. Guess we'll see how it sounds later tonight...

Have you ever known someone who was lucky and they had no idea how? I have a couple friends like that. For some reason one friend of mine has had tons of luck with the lottery this year. She buys those scratch off tickets and has hit some big ones this year. Now friend if you are reading this, you know when I expect mine. 29, 29 ~ let's win big!!!! I'll even share it with ya, promise. Really.

So do you feel lucky? Do you know someone who has luck all the time? Maybe it's not really luck at all. Maybe it's a blessing from above and we call it luck. Whatever you call it, if you are one of those lucky people who wins things, consider yourself blessed. I hope my CD is worth the listen and hope my streak of luck continues! Now how about those lottery tickets...


Anonymous said...

I just hope the luck keeps on coming!!! we'll see about 29-29 LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

Yeah girly some people get all of the luck, but blessings do come down from above too :) I almost won the Hoosier Lottery a few years ago. Literally missed it by 1 number! Still got a payout of 1721.00